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Recipe – Orange Draaaaank – From Greg Newman

Posted by on November 23, 2020
Batch Size: 6 Gallons
Pre-boil Volume: 7.4 Gallons
OG: 1.055
FG: 1.009 – 1.011
ABV: 5.8%
Boil: 60 minutes
Mast temp: 149
Yeast: Imperial A38 Juice or comparable (ferment at 72)

Grain Bill
11 lb 6.2 oz 2 row
1 lb 2.2 oz CaraPils
1 lb 2.2 oz Flaked Wheat
1 lb 2.2 oz Flaked Oats (oatmeal)

(@ mash/sparge @ 5.71 Gal / 3.25 Gal, using Beaver WD water)
Gypsum 1.1 / 0.6
Calcium Chloride 5.7 / 3.0
Epsom 1.1 / 0.6
nacl 0.2 / 0.1
Optional: .8ml lactic for sparge

Hops (Citra, Mosaic, El Dorado)
.16 oz each First Wort Hop
.24 oz each Whirlpool 40 minutes
.48 oz each Whirlpool 30 minutes
.64 oz each Whirlpool 20 minutes
.65 oz each dry hop 10 days (add right as the Krausen is falling)
1 oz each dry hop 7 days

Drink it fresh!